Associate Degrees

Student pursing an associate degree in classroom at Donnelly College. They are in programs such associate degrees, bachelor's degrees such as business leadership and information systems and information technology or nursing programs. Students get scholarships and financial aid at Donnelly which helps to make Donnelly the most affordable private college in Kansas or Missouri.
Student pursing an associate degree in classroom at Donnelly College. They are in programs such associate degrees, bachelor's degrees such as business leadership and information systems and information technology or nursing programs. Students get scholarships and financial aid at Donnelly which helps to make Donnelly the most affordable private college in Kansas or Missouri.
Student smiling in a hallway at Donnelly College.
Student pursing an associate degree nursing in classroom at Donnelly College. They are in programs such associate degrees, bachelor's degrees such as business leadership and information systems and information technology or nursing programs. Students get scholarships and financial aid at Donnelly which helps to make Donnelly the most affordable private college in Kansas or Missouri.


What is an associate degree at Donnelly College?  

An associate degree at Donnelly College is an undergraduate degree awarded after a course of study of a minimum of 60 credit hours. The associate degree is a level of academic achievement between a high school diploma or GED and a bachelor's degree. 

While there is a lot of room for flexibility in the 60-hour requirement, the standard curriculum of 30 hours that emphasizes written and oral communications, mathematics, information technology, philosophy and theology. Known as the Donnelly Core, these required courses are designed to help students develop effective communication, problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

Why should I pursue an associate degree?

Associate degrees earned at Donnelly College will provide you with an educational foundation based in the liberal arts and sciences, and are designed for students interested in: 

(1) pursuing a bachelor’s degree at Donnelly or another institution, or  

(2) entering the workforce.   

It’s not a secret that for many to reach their career goals, they will need a formal education beyond a high school diploma or GED. The jobs requiring at least an associate degree are available now and waiting for qualified candidates, and the available jobs are continuing to grow. In fact, the Mid-America Regional Council projects that the Kansas City metropolitan area will continue to experience double digit increases in jobs requiring associate degrees, bachelor’s degrees or a nursing credential. 

And it’s not just about getting a job, it’s about earning a great paycheck. Data from the U.S. Census Bureau suggest that, over a lifetime, someone with an associate degree will earn approximately half a million dollars more than someone with just a high school diploma.

If you have your sights set on a degree other than one of those, in order to provide our associate degree graduates with pathways to four-year degree programs, Donnelly partners with other higher education institutions in both Kansas and Missouri. Federal grants from the Department of Education and the National Science Foundation support partnerships with KU, UMKC, and K-State, and Donnelly has established articulation agreements and 2+2 programs with Emporia State University, Park University and University of St. Mary. Most accredited four-year institutions of higher education will accept some or all credits earned at Donnelly – check with your academic advisor and the institution you wish to transfer to for details.


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